Spasimo živote staničnim terapijama
Zaklada Zora

Foundation Activities

Activities of the Foundation

Foundation Activities

The activities carried out by the Foundation in the realization of its mission are:

  • 1. fundraising to secure the Foundation's activities financing,
  • 2. introduction and development of cancer's cellular immunotherapies,
  • 3. production of advanced therapies medicinal products,
  • 4. the organization of clinical trials,
  • 5. implementation of research and development projects,
  • 6. cooperation with research and health organizations,
  • 7. publication of R&D results,
  • 8. informing the media and the public about our work,
  • 9. carrying out research, analytical, diagnostic, production, and other activities to make optimal use of the Foundation's equipment and personnel,
  • 10. consultation and knowledge transfer.